The Pine 100 Project
I have quite the colleciton of what are affectionately known as “Model T” notebook computers, They began in 1983 when Radio Shack released the Model 100, followed by NEC with their PC-8201 and then Olivetti with their M-10, along with Kyocera with their KC-85. But when you have one that is dead, sometimes you find other ways to use them that bring them back to life!
Web 8201
I launched Web 8201 back in 1999, as a support site for the NEC PC-8201 & PC-8300 family of machines. There was a brief hiatus after my home-hosted web server completely died, but it made its return and has grown immensely. I’ve got technical documentation, a memory map database, a file download area that even includes the entire “Model 100 SIG” software archive from the obsolete CompuServe, and much more.
Mostly programming projects